The article Proceed with caution is about getting through college to a career. The choices and the attitudes you make will affect you in life.
1. Saying “I can’t.”
Chancing your dreams will not help you get a job. Putting all the effort in school and exploring in new areas will help you decide what you want to do for your career. When your in high school that is the best time to decide what kind of job your going to get or explore what college you want to attend. High school is the best times to try new skills.
2. Getting dollar signs in your eyes.
Getting money is easy to some people to others it is little difficult. People with high paying job don’t mean that they have it easy some jobs are high paying but in a way they can also be very stressful.
3. Doing what your parents expect or what you think they expect.
Parents aren’t satisfied when they want you do something they don’t like. All parents have high expectation for there kids some are not stated just assumed.
4. Assuming a job won’t be useful in building experience.
If some offers you a job you should take to see if you dislike or like it so it will help you decide what not to do for your career. Even if the job has nothing to do with what you want for a job in life.
5. Going it alone.
Asking an adult how the jobs are can help you also decide what to do for a job. If you have a job adult are always there to help or to show you how to do it.
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hello! K.G. freaking aewsome dude1 !
That was a very interesting artical..i like it good job!!!!
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