Monday, October 27, 2008

Making Scents

The article “Making Scents” is about making candles and how good they smell. Follis is a lady that makes candle from her experience of science. When perfumes are made they are mixed with all kinds of fruits, bark, and many different kinds of leaves. When making perfume it takes a lot of studying about what to put in it and how it will react to the customer’s skin. When you are finish making a candle you can test it under a light to see how the performance is. Candle makers try to satisfy there customers with there products. Candles have many different kind of fruit smells in there product. Candle making can be when fun you are try to find the smell you are looking to put in your candle. If you are going to have a career in science just do it because classes each in year in college are getting harder. I would like to make my own candle one day but I wouldn’t know what the smell would be like, I would just make it so that it is slippery enough when you put it on a skate rail. I think candle making is based on what you like to smell when it is burning.

1 comment:

LeVander Gishie said...

Good summary. You explained everything about makin scents. Nice job.