Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wall Street blues

The Wall Street blues is about saving the U.S. economy from a total collapse (George W. Bush says were in the midst of a serious financial crisis “Our entire economy is in danger”). Thing are getting so bad that the mortgage on people’s homes are raising that they can’t afford them so they are taking them away, so now the mortgages on homes are worth less then they we. banks are losing more money. So the Government took over the two companies and gave $200 billion to fix the houses. Still the marketers were not satisfied and the economy did not bounce back. So Ben Bernanke the chairman for the Federal Reserve warned congress to act fast. But then it would become harder to borrow money and get credit. So Treasury Secretary Paulson asked for $700 billion from the government to help the banks that were failing. If your going to get a house you pay your mortgages

1 comment:

Miss L. said...

You need to summarize the article in your own words. (rewrite)